Golden Alexanders
Planting Instructions
🌼 Overview of Zizia aurea (Golden Alexanders)
Native Range: Widespread in eastern and central U.S.
Life Cycle: Perennial
Height: 1.5–3 feet
Bloom Time: Spring to early summer (April–June)
Ecological Value: Pollinator-friendly (nectar source for bees and butterflies, including Black Swallowtail caterpillars)
🌱 Sowing Options
1️⃣ Direct Sowing Outdoors
Best Time to Sow:
Fall (ideal): Natural cold stratification improves germination.
Early Spring: Requires pre-treatment (cold stratification—see below).
Site Selection:
Sunlight: Performs best in full sun to partial shade (at least 4–6 hours of sun daily).
Soil: Adaptable to a range of soils — loamy, sandy, or clay.
Prefers moist, well-drained soil but tolerates occasional dry periods once established.
Soil pH: Neutral to slightly acidic (6.0–7.0)
Soil Preparation:
Loosen soil to a depth of 6–8 inches.
Remove weeds and work in compost if needed.
Good drainage is helpful but not critical.
Planting Depth:
Surface sow or cover very lightly (~1/16 to 1/8 inch) — seeds need some light for germination.
Water gently after sowing.
Keep soil evenly moist until seedlings emerge (germination may take 2–4 weeks, or longer without stratification).
Once established, water during prolonged dry periods.
Yes – Cold moist stratification improves germination rates.
Recommended: 30–60 days of cold stratification.
Fall sowing provides natural stratification.
For spring sowing: Pre-treat seeds in moist sand/peat in the refrigerator for 1–2 months before planting.
Not necessary.
2️⃣ Starting Seeds Indoors (Spring Transplanting)
When to Start:
Start cold stratification 8–10 weeks before your intended sowing time.
Sow indoors 4–6 weeks before last frost date, after stratification.
Growing Setup:
Use trays or pots with a well-draining seed-starting mix.
Surface sow seeds or press lightly into the soil; do not bury deeply.
Provide 12–16 hours of light per day (bright window or grow lights).
Watering Indoors:
Keep soil consistently moist (not wet) using misting or bottom-watering.
Germination may take 2–4 weeks or longer.
Transplanting Outdoors:
Harden off for 7–10 days before transplanting outdoors.
Plant in full sun to part-shade location with moist soil.
🔧 Maintenance Tips
Low-maintenance perennial once established.
Will self-seed modestly in favorable conditions.
May spread slowly by clumping but is not aggressive.
Cut back flowering stems after bloom if you want to control self-seeding.
Good companion plant in native meadows or pollinator gardens.
Does not require fertilizer; excessive nutrients can lead to lanky growth.
🚫 Invasiveness
Not considered invasive.
Spreads in a balanced, garden-friendly way and coexists well with other native species.