Texas Yellow Star
Regular price$4.00
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Common names: Texas yellow star, Texas star, Lindheimer daisy, star daisy
Linmdheimen texana
- Annual herb growing 6-24 inches tall.
- Stems and branches are hairy.
- Leaves are alternate and coarsely toothed, with the upper leaves being opposite and smooth on the edges.
- Flowers are bright yellow with 5 (sometimes 6) ray flowers, each with 2 prominent veins and indented at the tip.
- Blooms in spring from March to May.
- Attracts butterflies and other pollinators.
- Open grasslands, prairies, roadsides, and disturbed areas.
- Prefers full sun to partial shade.
- Tolerant of drought and poor soils.
- Native to Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and northern Mexico.