Texas Yellow Star

Regular price$4.00
Tax included.


Common names: Texas yellow star, Texas star, Lindheimer daisy, star daisy

Linmdheimen texana


  • Annual herb growing 6-24 inches tall.
  • Stems and branches are hairy.
  • Leaves are alternate and coarsely toothed, with the upper leaves being opposite and smooth on the edges.
  • Flowers are bright yellow with 5 (sometimes 6) ray flowers, each with 2 prominent veins and indented at the tip.
  • Blooms in spring from March to May.
  • Attracts butterflies and other pollinators.


  • Open grasslands, prairies, roadsides, and disturbed areas.
  • Prefers full sun to partial shade.
  • Tolerant of drought and poor soils.


  • Native to Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and northern Mexico.


Texas Yellow Star
Liatris ligulistylis
Meadow Blasing Star

Native Plant Map

Dark Green indicates the plant is native within the state, yellow rare, the lime green indicates where the plant is native and seen more within a state.

Map Credits BONAP©2024



I love Native Sunflowers in my home garden and landscape.

Mary Hoggins
Tyler, Texas

Last year in the Fall, I collected a lot of seeds I planted this year.

Roger Holmes
Dallas, Texas

They really added a big splash of color to the front of my house garden bed. Love them!

Audrey Long
Mobile, Alabama

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